To find the depot, please use

Address is Březová 508/70, Brno,   
1) Follow Březová Street uphill to the last smaller apartment building. On your right you see cans for recyclables, then the road divides. To your right goes a street with a parking lot. Do not miss this turn.

2) Turn RIGHT. It is the second house (with brown gate).

3) The bell is by the small gate, which is about 10 m above the large gate.

– Březová 70 is not between Březová 69 and 71.
– Most navigating systems have troubles finding the address, that is why you have this useful guide.
– Pls dont call me if you cannot find it. Call as you on the spot 774425855

Code for google maps: 6G7W+4J Brno-Jundrov